mardi 15 novembre 2011

Homework 16/11

David Douillet is a famous person in several domains. Firstly, because he won the judo heavyweight gold master in 1996, and after the Olympic Games in Atlanta and Sydney. He is the most decorated judoka in the history.
Secondly, he maintained his popularity in the “operation yellow pieces” with Bernadette Chirac. It was really a good thing for him because he could introduce himself in the political life and gained the confidence of the population.   
In 2009 David Douillet was elected deputy to the French Assembly and became the new Sports Minister this Year.
Today, the man has an essential role in the politic, sport and charity. I think that he is a symbol for the French and in the world.

1 commentaire:

  1. Nice choice Antoine, I like this guy too, but mainly for his sport career.
