mardi 15 novembre 2011

Homework 16/11

David Douillet is a famous person in several domains. Firstly, because he won the judo heavyweight gold master in 1996, and after the Olympic Games in Atlanta and Sydney. He is the most decorated judoka in the history.
Secondly, he maintained his popularity in the “operation yellow pieces” with Bernadette Chirac. It was really a good thing for him because he could introduce himself in the political life and gained the confidence of the population.   
In 2009 David Douillet was elected deputy to the French Assembly and became the new Sports Minister this Year.
Today, the man has an essential role in the politic, sport and charity. I think that he is a symbol for the French and in the world.

vendredi 4 novembre 2011

Ted article

Who you would like be?

If you have the possibility to change, which person would you like to be?
More creativity, more memory, more attractive, more longevity. Why not have the quick wit of a ken Jennings, why not have the quick twitch muscles...
The human genome project started in 1990 and cost 3.7 billion dollars.  Today it’s possible to have a complete sequence in one week.

If it were possible to choose a self directed evolution, a select condition to eliminate:  diabete, cancer, Alzheimer, stroke, why didn’t do it?
Evolution is all about passing on the genome to the next generation, adapting and surviving through generation after generation. The evolution favours those creatures best adapted ti their environment.

Actually there we have three possibilities for the future:
-          First possibility: no evolution. We have thought medicine managed and preserver a lot of gene.
-          Second possibility: traditional evolution: natural, imposed by the forces of nature.
-          Third possibility: neo evolution. An enticing and frightening possibility. An evolution who is guided and chosen by us. Today, people are making choices about their offsprings. They choose to have more males than females.

The process normally take 100 000 years and we can compress it in 100 years. We will make a society that is more boring and more uniform. These are the kinds of questions that we will have to face!

Homework 04/11

It's a place where it is possible to sea some glaciers and craters. There are a lot of mountains ranges, woodland where you can observe some parrots.
The landscape is constituted essentially of eucalyptus. During the winter season it’s very snowy, but the sun is very hot.  The weather changes a lot: it’s possible to have until mind 20 and plus 25 during one day so the landscape can be change totally in one day.
It’s a beautiful area with winding lakes. All the time the countryside is very lush and green. At the top of the crest, you can see some tracks in the snow.
It’s a famous place in the country, but not in the world.